Trevor Folker
Lead Clinician
Trevor believes in using the body’s natural biomechanical and functional movements to treat an injury.
You could describe Trevor Folker as an Athletic Trainer, but this barely scratches the surface. Trevor was introduced to functional movement when a professor at Concordia University treated his chronic shoulder injury successfully. This became Trevor’s “A-ha!” moment in Athletic Training and in life. From that moment on, Trevor immersed himself in functional movement therapy.
Often you will see an Athletic Trainer use textbook methods to help a client. Trevor takes a slightly different approach that is focused on:
Viewing the client’s injury and then,
Healing/dealing with the injury.
Trevor believes in using the body’s natural biomechanical and functional movements to treat an injury. First, Trevor looks for patterns within the body. Oftentimes, there is a root cause for the injury. This may lead to one or more body parts compensating to correct itself for firing incorrectly. Only then can he get to the core of the injury and begin rebuilding from within.
Additionally, Trevor is fascinated with nutrition and the effect it has on healing both mind and body. Couple this knowledge to his functional practice and you see a bold new way of looking at this Athletic Trainer. Trevor’s driving passion is to help people live pain free so that they can enjoy life to the fullest.