5 Tips To Decrease Back Pain

The Ultimate Guide To Low Back Pain: Everything you need to know to have a healthy back

Full of the most up-to-date research, life experience, and patient tested methods this guide will teach you simple, yet effective, exercises that you can do at home to protect your back from injury and alleviate pain.

What’s Inside:

  • Back Mechanics

    • Learn how the different parts of the back and spine work together to provide stability and movement.

  • Test Your Back Mobility

    • Discover a quick and simple method to test how well your back moves.

  • Core Exercises

    • A strong back requires a strong core. These at-home exercises will build core muscles to protect your back.

The Perfect Primer on Back Pain

The Ultimate Guide to Low Back Pain is perfect for anyone who wants to understand how the back works, where the pain comes from, and what can be done to protect it. This is a great starting point for people who have nagging aches and pains or want to learn some at-home exercises they can do to keep their back limber and strong.

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